Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dinner wait

My name is Miss Emily.  I don't have to do a breakfast wait or a dinner wait because I am Miss Emily.
Nope, don't have to do it.
I am so small and speedy that I can just zip right past the 2 big ones when the lady says "sit." And because I am so speedy she doesn't even notice that I did this.
Zip zip zip

Go get it in there

And the big white one with the skinny eyes and loud face always complains.

No Miss Emily.  I will not let you type any more because of what you said about me.  You are a bad dog.


  1. Poor Pitties! It is hard to live with a Diva, eh?

  2. Ah ha! Just as I suspected: she's a zip-zipping steely-hearted goblin queen! I'm glad you wrestled away the keyboard before she could further disparage you in print. Please know, though, that no matter what she writes or says, WE know that you are a gentleman even if you are a loud-faced goofy doofus with raisin eyes and we esteem you for that.

  3. Awww poor Bouncer- at least you know you are a GOOD DOG unlike that little Miss Emily!

  4. I absolutely love Bouncer!! What kind of dog is he?

  5. Ha! This made me cackle.

  6. despite "lol" being overused, i really did laugh out loud!

  7. I have to tell you, this blog makes my day! Bouncer is so adorable. We also have a big and a little, a black and white female pittie, Zoe and a 10 pound mini doxie Daisy. You can guess who rules the roost!!

  8. Way to set your boundaries Bouncer! Love reading about your adventures!
